
Chicken Lo Mein Recipe


Chicken Lo Mein

Chicken Lo Mein: A Culinary Journey from East to West

Introduction to Chicken Lo Mein

Chicken Lo Mein, a quintessential dish in Chinese-American cuisine, represents a harmonious blend of culture and flavor. This dish, with its roots in Chinese culinary traditions, has traversed borders and evolved to become a beloved staple in many parts of the world.

Origin and Popularity

The journey of Chicken Lo Mein began in China, where Lo Mein translates to “tossed noodles.” Originally, it was a simple, quick meal, consisting of boiled noodles mixed with sauce. As Chinese immigrants settled in different countries, particularly in the United States, they adapted the dish to local tastes, incorporating ingredients like chicken, which was readily available and popular. This adaptation led to the birth of Chicken Lo Mein as we know it today – a dish that symbolizes the fusion of Chinese cooking techniques with Western preferences.

Basic Ingredients

The allure of Chicken Lo Mein lies in its simplicity and the harmony of its ingredients. At its core, the dish consists of:

  • Noodles: Typically made from wheat flour, these are the backbone of the dish, providing a chewy texture that absorbs the flavors of the sauce.
  • Chicken: Sliced or shredded chicken adds a lean protein element, making the dish more filling and nutritious.
  • Vegetables: Commonly used vegetables include bell peppers, carrots, onions, and cabbage, adding crunch and nutritional value.
  • Sauce: A mixture of soy sauce, sesame oil, and other seasonings like ginger and garlic, the sauce binds all the ingredients together, giving Chicken Lo Mein its distinctive taste.

This combination of ingredients not only makes Chicken Lo Mein a flavorful dish but also a versatile one, easily adaptable to different dietary preferences and available ingredients. As we delve deeper into the recipe and its variations, the versatility and global appeal of Chicken Lo Mein become even more apparent.

Traditional Chicken Lo Mein Recipe

Creating an authentic Chicken Lo Mein at home is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. This dish, known for its rich flavors and versatility, can be easily tailored to suit various tastes and dietary needs.

Ingredients and Substitutes

A classic Chicken Lo Mein recipe includes:

  • Chicken: Boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs, thinly sliced.
  • Noodles: Lo Mein noodles or any other type of Chinese egg noodles. For a healthier option, whole wheat spaghetti can be used.
  • Vegetables: A mix of bell peppers, carrots, onions, and cabbage. Feel free to add or substitute with other vegetables like broccoli, snap peas, or mushrooms.
  • Sauce: A blend of soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, sugar, and a bit of chicken broth or water. For a gluten-free version, Tamari can replace soy sauce.

Step-by-Step Cooking Process

  1. Prepare the Noodles: Cook the noodles according to package instructions, then drain and set aside.
  2. Cook the Chicken: In a large wok or skillet, stir-fry the chicken in a bit of oil until cooked through and set aside.
  3. Vegetables: In the same wok, add more oil if needed, and stir-fry the vegetables until just tender.
  4. Combine: Add the cooked chicken and noodles to the vegetables in the wok.
  5. Sauce: Pour the prepared sauce over the mixture, tossing everything together until well coated and heated through.

A detailed history of Chinese cuisine, which significantly influences dishes like Chicken Lo Mein, can be explored in this comprehensive History of Chinese Cuisine.

Nutritional Information

Chicken Lo Mein is not only delicious but also offers various nutritional benefits.

Health Benefits

  • Protein-Rich: Chicken provides a good source of lean protein, essential for muscle growth and repair.
  • Vegetables: The assortment of vegetables in the dish contributes vitamins, minerals, and fiber, promoting overall health.

Caloric Content

While Chicken Lo Mein can be calorie-dense, especially in restaurant servings, homemade versions can be controlled for portion size and ingredients, making it a healthier option. Understanding the Nutritional Benefits of Chicken is crucial for appreciating this dish’s health aspects.


Variations of Chicken Lo Mein

The beauty of Chicken Lo Mein lies in its adaptability, allowing for numerous variations to cater to different dietary preferences.

Vegetarian and Vegan Alternatives

  • Tofu: A great protein substitute for chicken, tofu can be marinated and stir-fried for added flavor.
  • Additional Vegetables: Increase the variety and quantity of vegetables for a more plant-based version.

Regional Variations

  • Spicy Versions: In some regions, a kick of heat is added with chili oil or fresh chilies.
  • Sauce Variations: Some areas might use different sauce combinations, incorporating ingredients like peanut butter or hoisin sauce for a unique twist.

Chicken Lo Mein is a dish that invites creativity and personalization, making it a perfect recipe for both novice cooks and seasoned chefs alike.

Cooking Tips for Perfect Lo Mein

Mastering the art of making Lo Mein is all about understanding the nuances of its preparation. Here are some essential tips to ensure your Lo Mein turns out perfectly every time.

Choosing the Right Noodles

  • Type of Noodles: Traditional Lo Mein uses Chinese egg noodles, which have a distinct chewy texture. However, you can substitute with other types like spaghetti or linguine if egg noodles aren’t available.
  • Cooking the Noodles: It’s crucial to cook the noodles just until they’re al dente. They will continue to cook slightly when stir-fried with the other ingredients, so avoiding overcooking at this stage is key.

Guide to Asian Noodles provides an excellent resource for selecting the right kind.

Sauce Preparation

  • Balance of Flavors: The sauce should have a harmonious balance of salty, sweet, and umami flavors. Soy sauce provides saltiness, sugar adds sweetness, and ingredients like oyster sauce or sesame oil offer depth.
  • Consistency: The sauce should be thick enough to coat the noodles and ingredients without being too heavy or watery.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overcooking Noodles

  • Overcooked noodles can ruin the texture of Lo Mein. They should be springy and slightly firm to the bite, not mushy.

Balancing Flavors

  • The sauce is the soul of Lo Mein. It’s important not to let any single flavor overpower the others. Taste as you go and adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  • Be cautious with salt, especially if your soy sauce is on the saltier side. You can always add more, but it’s difficult to correct an overly salty dish.

By paying attention to these details, you can elevate your Lo Mein from good to great, ensuring a delightful culinary experience with every bite.

Serving Suggestions

The presentation and accompaniments of Chicken Lo Mein can significantly enhance the dining experience. Here are some tips for serving this delightful dish.

Presentation Tips

  • Garnish: Sprinkle chopped green onions, sesame seeds, or a handful of fresh cilantro on top for a pop of color and flavor.
  • Plating: Serve the Lo Mein in a large, shallow bowl or a platter to showcase the mix of ingredients and colors.

Side Dishes

  • Spring Rolls: Crispy spring rolls make a great appetizer or side, adding a crunchy texture contrast.
  • Steamed Vegetables: For a healthier side, steamed broccoli or bok choy complements the dish well.
  • Dumplings: Whether steamed or fried, dumplings are a classic pairing with Lo Mein.

Pairing with Drinks

Choosing the right drink to accompany Chicken Lo Mein can round out the meal beautifully.

Wine and Beverage Pairings

  • White Wine: A light, crisp white wine like Sauvignon Blanc or a dry Riesling pairs well, cutting through the richness of the dish.
  • Beer: A light lager or pilsner can refresh the palate, especially if the Lo Mein is on the spicier side.
  • Tea: For a non-alcoholic option, traditional Chinese teas like Oolong or Jasmine tea offer a soothing balance to the meal.

These pairings are designed to complement the flavors of the Lo Mein, creating a harmonious and enjoyable meal experience.

FAQs About Chicken Lo Mein Recipe

Chicken Lo Mein, with its rich flavors and versatility, often raises questions among enthusiasts and home cooks. Here are some frequently asked questions based on the “People Also Ask” section for Chicken Lo Mein.

  1. What are the best vegetables to use in Lo Mein?
    • Classic choices include bell peppers, carrots, onions, and cabbage. However, you can also use broccoli, snap peas, mushrooms, or any other vegetables you prefer.
  2. Can Lo Mein be made gluten-free?
    • Absolutely! Use gluten-free noodles, such as rice noodles or gluten-free spaghetti, and replace soy sauce with a gluten-free alternative like Tamari.
  3. How to store and reheat leftovers?
    • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Reheat in a skillet over medium heat, adding a splash of water or broth to refresh the noodles.
  4. Is Chicken Lo Mein healthy?
    • It can be, especially when homemade. Control the amount of oil and sodium, and pack it with vegetables for a nutritious meal.
  5. What’s the difference between Lo Mein and Chow Mein?
    • The main difference lies in how the noodles are prepared. Lo Mein noodles are boiled and then tossed with ingredients, while Chow Mein noodles are fried to a crisp before being mixed with the other components.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Chicken Lo Mein is more than just a dish; it’s a delightful journey into the heart of Chinese-American cuisine. Its versatility in ingredients and adaptability to various dietary needs makes it a beloved choice worldwide. Whether you’re cooking a quick weeknight dinner or a special meal, Chicken Lo Mein offers a perfect blend of nutrition, flavor, and culinary artistry. Remember, the key to a great Lo Mein lies in the balance of its ingredients, the preparation of its noodles, and the harmony of its flavors. Embrace the tips and variations discussed, and you’ll have a dish that not only satisfies the palate but also brings a piece of culinary tradition to your table.

Chicken Lo Mein Recipe

Chicken Lo Mein Recipe

This Chicken Lo Mein recipe brings the classic flavors of Chinese-American cuisine right into your kitchen. It's a quick, easy, and versatile dish that combines tender chicken, fresh vegetables, and noodles tossed in a savory sauce. Perfect for a weeknight dinner or when you're craving something delicious and comforting.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American, Chinese
Servings 4 people
Calories 400 kcal


  • 8 ounces of Lo Mein noodles or spaghetti
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 chicken breasts, thinly sliced
  • 1 cup of julienned carrots
  • 1 cup of sliced bell peppers (any color)
  • 1/2 cup of sliced onions
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 cup soy sauce
  • 2 tablespoons oyster sauce
  • 1 teaspoon sesame oil
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • Optional: green onions and sesame seeds for garnish


Cook the Noodles:

  • Boil the noodles according to the package instructions until they are just al dente. Drain and set aside.

Prepare the Chicken:

  • Season the chicken slices with salt and pepper.
  • Heat 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat.
  • Add the chicken and stir-fry until it is cooked through and lightly browned. Remove the chicken from the skillet and set aside.

Stir-Fry the Vegetables:

  • In the same skillet, add another tablespoon of oil.
  • Add the carrots, bell peppers, and onions. Stir-fry for about 3-4 minutes until they are just tender.
  • Add the minced garlic and stir-fry for another 30 seconds.

Combine and Toss:

  • Return the cooked chicken to the skillet with the vegetables.
  • Add the cooked noodles to the skillet.

Make the Sauce:

  • In a small bowl, whisk together the soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, and sugar.
  • Pour this sauce over the noodle, chicken, and vegetable mixture.

Final Toss:

  • Toss everything together to ensure that the noodles, chicken, and vegetables are evenly coated with the sauce. Cook for another 2 minutes.


  • Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
  • Serve hot, garnished with green onions and sesame seeds if desired.


This Chicken Lo Mein is not only a feast for your taste buds but also a visually appealing dish that's sure to impress family and friends. It's a balanced meal that combines protein, vegetables, and carbs, making it a wholesome choice for any day of the week.
Keyword Chicken Lo Mein recipe

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